Materials for Enkare Ngiro School (con't)
This sparked a renewed commitment to academic success in Enkare Ngiro School. The results on the end of year exams have been remarkable. The average grade of the students has moved from slightly under 250 out of 500 to well over 300 out of 500. This highlighted for our organization the powerful ripple effect of small acts of generosity.
While we are proud of this success story, we realize that many other children in this school (of about 750 students) do not have access to appropriate supplies. We are committed to strengthening our ties with this school at all grades to help them receive the support needed for their success.
While we are proud of this success story, we realize that many other children in this school (of about 750 students) do not have access to appropriate supplies. We are committed to strengthening our ties with this school at all grades to help them receive the support needed for their success.